How to Choose the Best Fence Contractor in Austin
Getting a new fence installed on your Austin property is not an everyday deal. When you do decide to get a new fence, it’s a considerable investment of both time and money. It’s not like buying a new lawn chair from the home store – it’s much more involved. The key to satisfactory fence installation is the assistance of a good fence contractor. Your contractor should have your best interests at heart. He should be transparent and trustworthy. Unfortunately, there a lot of scammers out there in the realm of Austin fence installation. This article will inform you on how to better detect and avoid being scammed by a fence contractor.
You should definitely interview the person whom you are hiring for fence installation. But first, there are many company traits that you can pick up on before the interview even begins. Analyze the phone call that you have with the company. For one thing, the person who answers the line should sound professional and authentic. They should also answer the phone with the company name. Not doing so and sounding generic is a red flag. Many professional fence companies have specific people hired for answering phones and other secretarial tasks. Also consider the company’s advertising. Any form of advertising or company representation should be tied back to a verified address. That means that the company won’t up and disappear into thin air one night, with you none the wiser.

The Better Business Bureau website is a great place to do a rep check on the company in question. This free service has helped many a consumer avoid getting scammed by some unregistered and unethical company. With the big brands that we all know and are familiar with, this may not be necessary. But when it comes to small businesses, especially in the contracting sector, you should definitely do your research.

Let’s go over some red flags to watch out for when determining if the fence contractor you’re vetting is the right one. If you feel like you’re being pushed or forced into a decision too fast, hold back. Don’t let anyone pressure you, especially since the decision concerns your fence and your hard-earned money. Take your time and don’t give in so easily! Another red flag is if the company insists on a full cash payment. Cash, as we know, is not traceable. This is great news for a shady contractor, but not so great news for you. Take note – some reputable fence companies will offer a cash discount. This is not the same as you feeling pushed to make an all cash decision. The biggest red flag is this – any fence company you deal with should be more than willing to provide you with a written estimate of your service agreement. If the contractor in question refuses to do so, waste no time in walking away from the situation. Learn from these tips and you’ll be able to find the best fence contractor in Austin, Texas!
12001 Metric Blvd. Unit 209C, Austin TX, 78758